Yamada Ryosuke and Arioka Daiki are close to each other.
They hang out together, doing things together.
Daiki really loves Ryosuke and Ryosuke loves him too.
There will be Daiki where there is Ryosuke. Same goes to the other boy.
From the original Hey! Say! 7 until the current Hey! Say! JUMP, they are still together.
Perfect couple, they said.
“Ne, what will happen to you if Yama-chan is not around you?” ask Chinen. The JUMP’s squirrel.
“Then I’ll die.” Said Daiki.
That was obviously a joke to them but not to Ryosuke and Daiki.
“Relax, Yama-chan! He’s joking!” said Yuto.
Ryosuke sigh in relief when Daiki hug him from behind.
They were happy and hope that they’ll spend their life being with each other.
Daiki pray hard for that, so do Ryosuke.
But it seems like God love Ryosuke for more that he’d been diagnose with brain tumor and that is enough to make his and Daiki’s world crash.
“You got to be kidding me…” was Daiki’s reaction when Ryosuke told him about his illness.
“Dai-chan, I’m not joking.”
Daiki stop at his tracked and stared into his eyes.
Indeed, Ryosuke wasn’t lying to him.
“W-When did you found out?”
Ryosuke stared at his shoes.
There’s nothing interesting about his shoes just that he felt like staring it.
“Last week. You know that lately I always felt dizzy and tired easily, right?”
Daiki nods.
“My mom asked me to go to the hospital to do some test and it appears that…brain tumor.”
Daiki sat there silently.
“Dai-chan, please don’t tell the others.”
Daiki looked at him and nods as he leaned and hugged the younger boy.
“I love you, Ryosuke. Please don’t leave me.”
Ryosuke just smile.
“I love you too.”
He did answer Daiki but he can’t promise that he won’t leave him.
They were having concert when Ryosuke’s condition was getting worst.
After having group songs rehearsal, Ryosuke decided to have practice for his solo.
As he was singing and dancing, suddenly he felt dizzy and stop. He slowly dropped his microphone as his world blacked out.
Last thing he heard was his lover’s voice, calling for him.
“Ryo-chan! Ryosuke!”
Yuto heard Daiki’s voice calling for Ryosuke as the music for Ryosuke’s solo still play.
Daiki accompany him on the stage when Ryosuke stated that he wanted to rehearse his solo.
“Ryosuke! Wake up!”
The rest of JUMP started to gather at the stage followed by Yuto.
When the staff heard the commotion, he stopped playing the music.
“What happened?” ask him.
Daiki looked up with a worried face.
“I-I don’t know! H-He was singing and dancing when-when he suddenly stop and collapse!”
Daiki turned back to the unconscious boy as he shook the boy to wake him up.
One of the staff appears.
“Let’s get him inside.”
They nods and allowed him to carry Ryosuke to their rest room. *as in place for rest*
10 minutes later…
Daiki was still sitting beside Ryosuke as the rest of them sat on anywhere they could.
“Ryo-chan? Ryosuke?”
The second oldest of the 7 finally opened his eyes.
Daiki nods and calls the others.
Ryosuke looked around before asking him what happened.
“You fainted earlier.” Said Ryutaro.
Ryosuke gasp and turn to Daiki as the older nods.
“I-I…Gomen…” he apologies as he sat up.
“Why don’t you bring him back to hotel?” Suggest Yabu to Daiki.
“But rehear-”
“You’re in no condition to do rehearsal, Yama-chan.” Voiced Inoo sweetly.
Ryosuke stared at his hand.
Daiki stood up and offer his right hand, “Sa, ikou.”
Ryosuke looked up and nods.
He stood up as Daiki carefully support him.
“Ah! I forgot to ask them what they want for dinner!” said Hikaru while smacking his forhead.
“I’ll go and ask and I’ll text you.” Volunteer Yuto as he ran slightly to the same direction Daiki and Ryosuke went to.
AriYama’s room.
“Here.” Daiki handed him his medicine and a glass of water.
“Thanks.” He took it from Daiki and swallows the pills.
They stay silent for awhile.
“…Did they know?”
Daiki stood and sat next to him.
“No, they assumed that you’re tired.”
Ryosuke nods.
This time, Ryosuke looked up and directly to Daiki’s eyes.
“Y-you’re not going to leave us…leave me, right?”
“I don’t know Dai-chan. You know that I’m dying. I don’t even now until when I’ll live.”
“But! There must be something that doctors can do to save you!”
Daiki started to cry and Ryosuke hate it. He hated himself for making the one he loves cry.
“Daiki, you know that brain tumor is not something that not critical, right? The doctor said operation can be done to me to remove the tumor but…”
“But what? Ryosuke, tell me.” Daiki demand for his answer.
“…doctor said my body is too weak to have this operation on.”
Daiki looked away as tears began to fall uncontrollable.
“Dai-chan, I love you, I’ll do anything to make you stop crying…please…”
“How am I going to stop crying when the one I love is leaving me?!” Daiki yelled at him.
Ryosuke kissed his forehead. “I don’t want to die either. I want to spend my entire life being with you, but I can’t. I’m sorry.”
He hugged the younger as he pray for Ryosuke not to leave him.
He’ll miss his warmth.
“Gomen n-”
They broke away their hug.
“What was that?” asked Daiki while wiping his tears.
Ryosuke shrug and stood up, approaching the door.
Yuto look at him with teary eyes.
“W-were you…”
“Gomen, Yama-chan. I-I…I just wanted to ask you two what would you like for dinner a-and I accidentally…Yama-chan…”
Ryosuke widen his eyes.
“You were listening?”
Yuto nods as Daiki approach them.
Ryosuke sighed.
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Yuto-kun, please.”
Yuto nods unconsciously.
“H-Hai…I promise I won’t tell them.”
“Tell what?”
The three of them turned around.
“Uh…that I loved Daiki!” Ryosuke blurt out.
“Isn’t that obvious?” stated Hikaru.
Ryosuke, Daiki and Yuto nods awkwardly.
“Anyway what would you like for din-”
Hikaru looked at Yuto’s face carefully.
“Did you just cry?”
Yuto shook his head.
“Yes you did! What happened?”
“Nothing.” Lied Yuto.
“There must be something!”
The rest of JUMP heard the noises and came to them.
“What now?” ask Yuya tiredly.
Hikaru told them.
“Yeah! Yuto won’t cry over nothing!” add Ryutaro.
“Sou, sou!” said Keito.
Ryosuke sighed.
“Look, he was worried about me that he cried, okay?” said the sick boy.
“…Now that make sense!” said Chinen.
Ryosuke, Daiki and Yuto sighed in relief.
After dinner, JUMP decided to play games to entertain themselves and that was exactly when Daiki had to tell them the truth.
“Yama-chan? Daijoubu?” asked Keito when Ryosuke stood up for the third time to use bathroom.
Daiki being his lover follow him and patted his back as the latter threw up.
Ryosuke felt dizzy as he walked out of the bathroom and sat back at his previous seat.
He holds his head using his left hand as Daiki rubbed his back.
Yabu stood up and approach him, “Are you okay?”
He nods.
“You’re lying, you’re definitely not okay.”
He just sat there trying to ease his headache that got stronger.
“I knew something is not right. Yama-chan, if you have something to tell, better tell us now.”
“There’s no-”
“Oh you mean that, you’re having headache, several times faint at school and Dai-chan crying is natural?” that was from the sharp tongue, Chinen.
Ryosuke was now staring at his laps.
“I’m dying.”
Two simple words that made the rest startled.
“Excuse me?” asked Ryutaro.
The older boy looked up, “You heard me.”
“Y-You must be joking, right?” said Hikaru as he stutter.
Ryosuke shook his head as Daiki hugged him and crying silently on his back.
“Why didn’t you tell us?!” Yuya said harshly.
“I-I just…I don’t want all of you to worry about me.”
“So you let Daiki and Yuto worry instead?”
Ryosuke turned to the owner of the voice, Yabu.
“N-No! I-I…I’m sorry…I just…”
Inoo, who was sitting next to Yabu, knelt in front of him.
“There must be something that can be done; anything, to save you…right?”
Ryosuke smile to him. He knows that all of them love him.
JUMP is not just a group, they're like family...
JUMP will never be the same if one of them is not in the group, right?
“The doctor said that an operation to remove the tumor can save my life but the chances are 50-50 and my body is still weak to apply such big operation…I’m sorry.”
Inoo started to shed tears, “But, Yama-chan…there must be…”
Yabu hugged him from behind.
“Kei, enough…”
“Iiyo minna. I’m strong, right?” said the sick boy as he tries to lighten up the atmosphere.
Daiki chuckle a bit and stop laughing.
“Yes…you’re my strong boy.”
“..Daiki, you sounds like his mother.” Voiced Hikaru.
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
Chinen ears perk up and interrupt, “Are too! And I love Ryuu!”
“Well am not and I love Ryosuke so much!”
They all ended up laughing but still hiding the fact that they’re all sad.
Day after day, Ryosuke’s condition is now worsened that he was forbid to go outside freely.
JUMP are doing their solo activity, as for Ryosuke…
He’s been living in the hospital as the fans now wonder how JUMP would be.
They already knew about Ryosuke’s illness.
“Please, sensei! Can I please go for an outing today?”
The doctor looked at him.
“No, you can’t.”
Ryosuke walked pass him and stopped him from getting out of his wards.
“Please!” he begged.
The doctor let out a big sigh.
“Fine. But get back as soon as you start to feel dizzy!”
He smiles brightly and thanks him before he rushes out.
“Otanjoubi omedetou, Dai-chan!” greet Yuto as he hugged the older buy but shorter than him.
“Arigatou, Yuto.”
The rest of JUMP except Ryosuke continue to greet him and flooded him with present.
He took the present into his bag and rush out.
He didn’t mean to be rude but he wanted to celebrate it with the one he loves.
He called as soon as he reaches their favorite hangout, at the park.
The latter turned and flash his bright smile even though his face was pale.
“Otanjoubi omedetou, Dai-chan.”
Daiki nods. He took a sit next to him as he wrapped his arm around the younger’s waist.
“Did you get permission from your doctor or you’re sneaking out again?”
Ryosuke chuckled and leaned to Daiki’s shoulder.
“I did asked permission, don’t worry.”
Ryosuke reach for a box in his right pocket.
“Here,” he said as he handed him the box “Your birthday present.”
Daiki took it and unwrapped it.
It was a necklace with a star as it pendant.
“It’s beautiful.” Told Daiki while having his eye fix on the necklace and seconds later, he turned to Ryosuke who suddenly hold his head.
“A-Are you okay?”
“…Y-Yeah…Just s little bit dizzy…”
Daiki stared at the latter for awhile and seconds later, Ryosuke looked at the necklace, then to Daiki.
“Want me to put it on you?”
Daiki nods.
Ryosuke took the necklace and put it on Daiki.
“It’s suit you.”
Daiki smile back to him.
“Ikou, let me send you back.”
Daiki stood first then help Ryosuke to stand.
Ryosuke did wobble a bit but he told Daiki it was nothing.
“C-Can you…spend a night with me..today?”
Daiki felt strange, Ryosuke had never ever asked for anything.
Ryosuke smile.
Little did he know, that was the last day and the last night Ryosuke will be with him.
That night at hospital rooftop.
“Today’s night sky look beautiful ne?” said Daiki in amuse.
Ryosuke nods tiredly.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Ryosuke only smile at him.
“…You know…today…the night view…look beautiful because…because it’s your birthday…”
Daiki felt something was not right.
Ryosuke looked up and smiles.
“Daiki, I love you…so much…”
Daiki nods. ‘No! Please don’t take him away!’
“I don’t want to leave you…but…I can’t…I’m sorry…”
“Ryo-chan…Ryosuke, hey…you’re breathing are not steady…”
Ryosuke shook his head.
“I’m just…tired…don’t worry.”
Daiki started to cry.
“Ryosuke, please. Don’t leave me…I-I can’t leave without you!” Daiki begged as he hugged him tightly.
He heard Ryosuke laughed at the same time gasping for air.
“N-Ne, I-I heard that…the dead people’s soul…will turn into a star…”
Daiki nods but still crying.
“I-I know…I’ll be the brightest star so that….so that you can see me…up there…”
“Stop Ryosuke…don’t talk like that, please…”
Ryosuke free himself from Daiki’s hug slowly and looked at him.
He lean closer and shared kiss under the beautiful night sky witnessed by uncountable star.
“Promise me…you’ll live happily, ne?” Ryosuke’s voice muffled between the kisses.
Daiki nods and blink away his tears.
A few seconds later, they brook the kiss.
“I love you, Arioka Daiki.”
He said as his body slowly slacked.
“I love you too, Ryosuke…please stay with me…” plead Daiki.
“Daiki…tell all of them and my parents, that….I loves them so much…”
Daiki nods again and again as he wished this was only his nightmare.
Ryosuke raised his hand to touch Daiki’s cheek as Daiki hold Ryosuke’s hand and help him.
Then his hand trail down to the necklace.
“If you miss me…look for a bright star at night…and that would be me…watching you from above…” told Ryosuke he squeezed it slightly, smiling before his hand fell.
“Ryosuke? Please don’t do this to me.”
The latter struggle himself to say something.
“I…love you…so much…Arioka Daiki...thanks for…always be there for…me…”
He beamed his most angelic smile, the smile that he never showed to anyone except Daiki.
Slowly, Ryosuke’s eyelids become heavier and heavier.
Soon, his eyelids finally locked.
With that his entire body gave up and went slack.
“Ryosuke? Ryosuke!!! Wake up!”
Daiki shook the younger body as he search for his pulse.
A year later in front of Ryosuke’s grave.
“You know…I’ve learned to accept the fact that you’re gone forever…”
“And…JUMP was never the same without you.”
Daiki is now lay beside Ryosuke’s grave.
“Everyone misses you…I miss you so much…”
Then a soft wind blew against him.
“I watch you every night, Ryosuke. And I don’t feel the same.”
“I miss you…my one and only star that used to brighten my life.”
“I know…I promised you to move on…but remember…I love you and always love you.”
Daiki stood up minutes after that, leans towards Ryosuke’s tombstone and kiss on the top of it before smiling.
“I’m moving on, because I love you.”
With that, Daiki walked away as the old cheery Arioka Daiki who still loving Ryosuke...
I know i'm failed! *cries*
comments are loved! ^o^ v